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An ectomorph is a type of body type/samatotype. It's known as the classic "hardgainer". It's your typical "skinny guy" or "skinny girl". 


Ectomorphs have a lightweight build with smaller joints and very lean muscle. Their limbs are usually long and thin, with narrow shoulders and chest, lacking width. 

Physical Traits Of Ectomorph Body

  • Fast metabolism

  • Struggles to gain weight and keep it on

  • Thin limbs

  • Narrow chest and shoulders

  • Flat chest

  • Known as the "hardgainer"

  • Bone structure frame is known to be delicate 

  • Hyperactive

  • Difficulty building muscle

  • Low body fat percentage

  • Gets fully quickly when eating

3 Quick Secrets To Gaining Weight


1.) Eat at least 60% of your calories in carbohydrates. 


A carbohydrate is made up of 4 calories. Whatever your caloric intake for the day is, multiply it by .60 [this is 60%] and then divide the new number by 4. 

Ex: 2,800 calorie diet

2,800 x .60 = 1,680 calories to eat in carbs

1,680 / 4 = 420 carbohydrates to eat for the day

Of course distribute these carbs as evenly as you can across your number of meals you eat per day, which should be at least 4-6 for an ectomorph.


2.) Eat high density weight gainers to supplement nutrition


Consuming high carbohydrate and high protein weight gainers will dramatically increase your ability to fight against your body's intense, fast metabolism.


3.) When training, perform compound movements/exercises.

Exercises such as bench press (chest/triceps), Deadlift (lower back/legs),  Squats (legs), Military Press (shoulders/triceps), Pull Ups (back/shoulders/arms), etc.


Bonus Tip.) If you're not gaining at least 2 lbs per week, increase your calories by 500 calories for the day. 

What Is An Ectomorph?

by Eli Georgaras | July 27, 2014

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