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You may not know it, but there are actually two kinds of ectomorphs out there. The true ectomorph by nature is very skinny, with low levels of muscle mass and fat. This ectomorph just needs to eat more.

The second kind of ectomorph is similar to the one above, however he has higher levels of fat, sometimes even around 20%. This is the skinny fat ectomorph. Why would one be skin and bones and the other have higher fat levels? It's as simple as testosterone.

Since the 70's, testosterone in men has been on a steady, significant decline. By about 30%. An average man at any given age would have about 30% more testosterone than the same aged man today. Why is that? And what does it have to do with being "skinny-fat"?


Testosterone is the hormone responsible for promoting muscle growth and reducing fat levels in the body. Basically, the opposite of estrogen, a hormone dominant in women's bodies. Testosterone is one of the most important building blocks that gets males through puberty and building muscle. Without it, there can be no muscle growth ever AND there will be fat, lots of fat.


Causes of low testosterone can have many "natural" variables. Some examples include: a problem at the hypothalamus/pituitary gland which results in an inability to prodice the correct amount of LH and FSH to stimulate test production. Another possibility would be with the testes/failure of gonads. Then of course, there are ways to decrease test levels by our bad habits and lifestyle choices.


Here are some ways that you might be indirectly reducing your testosterone levels without you even know it:

1.) Sedentary lifestyle with bad diet - If you're not active at least a few times a week, then that is sedentary. Also, if you're shoveling in fast food on a semi-normal basis and eating mostly carbohydrates, trans fats, and saturated fats, now you know why you are skinny-fat.

2.) Alcohol Consumption Too Frequently - As your liver processes alcohol, your testosterone levels are being greatly affected. During this time, the liver produces a compound that prevents the release of testosterone, which will slowly start prohibit the ability to build new or maintain existing muscle mass. Just one or two drinks will mildly make your test levels drop a bit. It's time to get very concerned when you are consuming back to back drinks and shots...every week.

3.) Not Enough Sleep - Plain and simple. The body most produces testosterone while it sleeps, especially when in REM sleep. Try to recede from staying up late watching reruns, partying, or eating junk food into the wee hours of the night. Just this simple factor is enough to make your testosterone decline by 20%-30%. 

4.) Substituting Soy For Red Meats - Many have vowed to try to reduce red meat from their diets. A lot of these people are using the soy alternative, which in and of itself contains a combo of estrogens. If you also compound that with a large deficit of proteins (from lack of red meat), the testosterone can easily take a 10% hit just after 1 month.

5.) Obesity - No really a problem for the classic ectomorph, but this one sounds like a no-brainer. Obesity contributes a lot to the conversion of estrogen. This is a natural process that occurs regardless, in both men and women. The important part to understand is that the estrogen conversion mostly occurs in fat cells. The lower the fats cells, the lesser chance one would have an estrogen conversion. However, when the body is in an obese state, the fat cells are abundant and so are the estrogen processes.

In essence, ectomorphs who are "skinny-fat" should try to work as best the can to address the areas of improvement covered above. If you still carrying a good deal of belly fat, even after cleaning up your diet, exercising more, sleeping more, cutting back on alcohol, etc, then you should more than likely consult with your doctor about possible Low Testosterone or Low-T. Your doctor will then provide you with a blood test requisition form to get a blood test done. From there on, your doctor can best provide advice on where you should go from there, depending in your testosterone score.


Symtoms of Low Testosterone (In Men)

-Decreased libido / sex drive

-Unable to attain and/or sustain erection


-Lack of energy

-Decreased height

-Decreased strength

-Decrease in ejaculate

-Shrinking testicles

-Hair loss

-Increase in body fat

-Decrease in bone mass

-Mood swings

Are You Skinny OR Skinny-Fat? It Might Be Low Testosterone.

by Eli Georgaras | August 4, 2014

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