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So what is this stuff anyway? HMB or Beta-Hydroxy Beta-methylbutyrate is the byproduct of the natural break down of Leucine, which is an amino acid. Some of our food has small quanitites of HMB, such as catfish and alfalfa. 


What does it do? HMB helps slow down the breakdown of muscle tissue that happens after we kill it hard in the gym. 

This process is called proteolysis, which is completely normal and natural. HMB supplementation with a consistent training program preserves the muscle from the body tapping into it for stored energy. The body first depletes all carbohydrates, and then moves on to fat and protein stores, IE. muscle! Alarm, alarm! Our hard earned muscles are getting converted into energy to fuel the recovery for other muscles that you have just exhausted in training. This is what HMB protects. 


But Does It Work?

Years ago, studies were conducted at the Iowa State University, with a two separate groups of cattle. The tests found that cattle who were introduced to HMB supplementation had higher muscle mass and lower fat volumes. The same test was conducted on a group of 40 men. The men went through a 4-week training program. Half of the men consumed 3 grams of HMB on a daily basis until the completion of the 4-week training program. The results found that the men who were on HMB supplementation built more muscle and had lower percentages of body fat.

What Are The Side Effects?

Many studies were conducted to try to find out the mal-results of using HMB, among men, women, and children. Throughout 9 separate studies, the results showed nothing but positive results that affected muscle, fat loss, blood pressure, and cholesterol. 

Optimum Nutrition's HMB is by far my favorite kind. The capsules are tasteless. I usually take double the amount it suggests, but that's at my own discretion. It's just that important. My workouts are usually intense and taxing on my body. The last thing I want are my precious muscles being tapped into for energy!


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HMB. The Ectomorph's Secret Weapon Nobody Ever Talks About

by Eli Georgaras | August 13, 2014

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