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I try my best to keep this site like the "Mecca" for ectomorphs and hardgainers. Over the months, I've also have taken requests from the community based on what their questions are, and I've analyzed them and posted them to this site. Among those requests, I've received tons private messages on our Facebook page ( regarding what the best muscle building program is out there, for purchase. They want my personal, honest recommendation. So I'm going to give it to you :)


Over the years, I've purchased numerous different muscle building programs from the internet and even places from Amazon, retail book stores, etc. If I tally up all of them, I have about 23 different programs that I have read through and applied their respective unique techniques and wisdom into my own fitness workouts, dieting, and supplementation that I actively use today and will continue to use for a very long time. 


Without any fluff, it is my privilege to present to you my 2 favorite and hands-down best muscle building and RAPID weight gain programs that you can purchase for a very affordable price. Like I said above, these are my 2 favorites from about 23 different programs. Check them out. 

No Nonsense Muscle Building

by Vince DelMonte


My Honest Review: This right here was the very first program that started to make sense of things for me. From talking about how to train effectively, recovery periods, exact diet requirements, breakdown of macronutrients, and the only supplements to take for monsterous results. Furthermore, this was one of the first programs I've ever got my hands on that is targetted for true ectopmorphs. It's known as one of the BEST muscle building programs for hardgainers in the world. Over 25,000 people in 117 countries have adopted Vince's program.  I wouldn't be recommending it if I didn't agree! 


Link: Vince DelMonte's NO NONSENSE Muscle Building

Meet Vince DelMonte [VIDEO]

Weight Gain BluePrint

by Jeff Masterson


My Honest Review: Not quite as polished as Vince DelMonte's program, but Jeff does a great job at explaining in laymen terms how to seriously get weight on those skinny bones. Long story short, Jeff breaks down how to pack on muscle mass and promises to pack on 20 pounds of muscle or more in 8 weeks! The program includes 26 weeks of workout sheets, 11 meal plans, and a quick start guide outlining the program flawlessly


Link: Weight Gain BluePrint by Jeff Masterson

Meet Jeff Masterson [VIDEO]

#1 Best Muscle Building Programs For Ectomorphs

by Eli Georgaras | October 3, 2014

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