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So from years of surfing across many different bodybuilding forums, you begin to see a pattern of the same questions being asked among the community. One of the biggest questions I've encountered so many times, in regards to aesthetics is "uneven abs" or "non-symmetrical abs". Meaning that the abdominal muscles/sixpack are not properly aligned with each other. Instead, they are staggered, which can be frustrating to anyone trying to get them chiseled perfectly. What can you do about it though?

Unfortunately, I hate to say that uneven abs are due to the result of genetics. There really is nothing that you can do naturally to get the abs to appear more symmetical or aligned. It's just what you are born with. Genetics are genetics. If you're one who is frustrated from uneven abs, don't let that bother you! Trust me, the ladies simply do not care if they are uneven. If you have abs, you are in the 1% and that's all that matters. They only person who would ever critique your even abs would be a panel of judges at a bodybuilding competition or fitness magazine photographers. Don't sweat it. 


If you have uneven abs in terms of size differential with one another (Ex: upper abs are much bigger than lower abs), then there definitely ways to fix this through optimal training and nutrition. More specifically, isolation exercises for that particular muscle group. Below are my go-to ab exercises that target problematic areas:

[VIDEO] - Upside-down Captain's Chair Sit Ups - Upper Abs

In this exercise, I am demonstrating the upside-down situps on the Captain's chair. Basically, you just need to get your legs up and over the arms of the chair and wrap them around OR hang them over the back of the chair. Make sure you have them locked so you're not slipping or sliding around. Then just relax your abdominals and extend your torso the whole way down. Now focus on contracting just your ab mucles the whole way up and back down. Aim for about 15-30+ reps. Then you'll need to start adding resistance.


Check out the next video too below to see how to perform this while holding a dumbbell for extra resistance.

[VIDEO] - "Weighted" Upside-down Captain's Chair Sit Ups - Upper Abs

Same thing as above, but just grab a dumbbell and hold it on your chest. In this demonstration at the time I was using a 35lbs dumbbell. The trick to make this easier to start it placing the dumbbell on top of the Captain chair so that it is easily accessible to grab. You definitely DO NOT want to leave the dumbbell on the ground and try stretching your body to grab it. You'll risk serious injury. If you have a training partner, ask them to hand the dumbbell to you. 


Aim for about 10-15 reps.

[VIDEO] - Hanging Leg Lifts - Lower Abs

In this YouTube video, "Burning the midnight oil at the gym", I perform the Hanging Lef Lifts exercise. Hanging leg lifts are an AMAZING lower abdominal workout. The key is not to engage your hip flexors as much. You want to try to "curl" your lower torso upwards. The point is not to only lift your legs, but to actually break the plane of 90 degrees with your WHILE your lower abs are pushing outward and up. 


[VIDEO] - Ab Crunch Machine - Upper and Lower Abs

This is fantastic for your abs in general. The resistance is what makes this very effective. If your gym has this machine, definitely use it! 

If you're still upset about your uneven abs, I do have a solution that could fix your problems forever. That is surgery. The only possible way to fix genetics when they're not in your favor. It will cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars, but it is guaranteed to get those abs aligned. 


In my honest opinion, I'd rather have uneven, chiseled abs than cosmetically modified abs/implants with scars. Just kill it in the gym and watch your diet! Training symmetrically and keep pressing forward!

My Abs Are Uneven! What Can I Do?

by Eli Georgaras | August 28, 2014

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