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There's been a lot of confusion in the health and fitness world, especially amongst laymen (aka, not very knowledgeable in fitness and health) that many people get discouraged during weight loss or even bobybuilding "cut phase" of their routines/diets. They often look in the mirror and still see and a lot of what they think is fat, around their midsections and love handles.

Even though they've been eliminating fats, carbs, and been on cardio machines 5 days a week.


The reality is that even if you have superb macronutrient intake during a cut or fatloss diet, you are going to have a hell of a time getting the results you want if you are consuming too much sodium. 


Sodium. This stuff is in everything. You can bet your money that anything that is processed, packaged, or canned is going to have a TON of sodium in it. That includes even "healthy" foods from places like Subway or Pita Pit. 


Back in my newbie days, I remember trying to cut up for the summertime in efforts to get 6 pack abs popping and some extra vasularity and striations across my chest and arms. However, I was consuming WAYYYYYYYY too much sodium without even knowing it! I remember I used to beat my head against my mirror in frustration. I mean I was scaling carbs back considerabley, a decent low volume but high quality fats (as we discussed HERE), and tons of protein in every meal. 


Even though my diet was what I thought was 90% perfect, I was retaining too much water and bloated all the time. I thought this was fat.


For my protein intake, I would always pack lunches to go to work. Such as: Roast Beef, Ham, Turkey, etc. Lots and lots of lunch meats. They were cheap, quick, and easy to prepare and to transport. Perfect right? Hell no. What I later found out was that as healthy as lunch meats might appear, they are LOADED with sodium for preservation of the meat. Meaning it takes longer for it to spoil or go bad. I was eating this stuff probably at least 3-4 times a day. On days when I didn't pack anything, I was hitting up Pita Pit and Subway. I thought that getting Chicken pitas and subs would beat a healthy alternative than Taco Bell. What a rude awakening I had. 


I later discovered this sodium dilemma and made HUGE adjustments quickly. I started cooking my meats and chicken breast at home instead of buying prepackaged lunchmeats. I also started to drink a ton more water, close to a gallon a day. Also, whenever I would look at a nutrition label, I wouldn't only care about carbs, protein, and fat. I began looking at sodium first. 


Thankfully, making this change only took about a few days to see a change with the bloating receding. In about a week or two, the stomach area was so flat and much leaner-appearing. Definitely something to always keep in mind as you continue to try to eat healthy and especially when you're eating for that aesthetic look.

Example of a bloat, a few hours apart


The Sodium Bloat Sucks!

by Eli Georgaras | July 28, 2014

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